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Food enzymes are a natural and important component in our food supply, yet they are systematically removed to extend shelf-life. While shelf-life is necessary in our modern society, enzymes must be replaced, just as vitamins and minerals are. For example, when milk is pasteurized it depletes the vitamin A and D content as well as enzymes. The vitamins are added back in, but the enzymes are not.

Enzymes are the construction workers of the body. Protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals are simply the building materials. It's one thing to eat a healthy diet, but are you digesting it and is your body utilizing the building materials without any construction workers?

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Books written by Food Enzyme Institute Founder and President
Dr. Howard F. Loomis Jr., D.C., F.I.A.C.A.

Enzymes: The Key to Health

The Enzyme Advantage: For Health Care Providers and People Who Care About Their Health

The Enzyme Advantage for Women

What is Your Nutritional Deficiency? Find It, Fix It, and Feel Better!
The Food Enzyme Institute™, LLC has been approved by the Wisconsin Educational Approval Program since March 2002.